I met Leilani while working at poke house! I remember her first day with us and she seemed so shy and sweet. When I really got to know her she was just such an amazing beautiful soul! Her and I would hangout outside of work with some of our other coworkers. She was the one always making plans for all of us to go do things and have fun! Her laugh was so contagious, and she had the most beautiful smile! Our whole team at work, decided to start playing among us and Leilani was the one who set it up for all of us! We would all stay up super late playing among us together, Leilani was always the red colored one. I’ll never forget those memories and how she made working fun! Not only was she my co-worker, but was also my friend. We also got tattoos together! I’ll never forget our memories! ❤️ Love you Lani❤️